• 7 MacArthur Fellows have taught at the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences.
    Gifts to SHASS sustain the school's extraordinary portfolio of research, global initiatives, and graduate and undergraduate education.
  • 37% of MIT’s operating budget relies on unrestricted dollars.
    Unrestricted support allows MIT to quickly seize opportunities and address unforeseen challenges, whenever or wherever they arise.
  • MIT to offer free tuition to families earning less than $200,000, thanks to newly expanded financial aid.
    Gifts to financial aid bolsters MIT’s commitment to ensuring that every student has the resources and support to thrive here.
  • Over 25% of first-year degree-seeking graduate students are supported by fellowships.
    Gifts to fellowships keep MIT competitive by enabling first-year graduate students to explore before committing to a research path.
  • Health and wellness are core elements of the MIT student experience
    MIT's effort to compassionately support students in their moment of personal need
  • 60% of all undergraduates rely on some form of financial aid.
    Financial aid allows students to focus their energies on the demands of an MIT education, not their finances.