$1.4 million raised 3,905 Donors

Questions and Answers

Below you will find answers to many common questions about GivingTuesday at MIT.

If I send a check, will my gift be counted in the GivingTuesday totals?
Sure! You may send your gift to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, P. O. Box 412926, Boston, MA 02241-2926. Please be sure to make your check out to MIT and add a note to the memo section indicating that this is a GivingTuesday gift.

Checks received and processed, or designated to be processed, on November 28 will be counted toward GivingTuesday totals. The best way to ensure that your gift is counted in the Giving Tuesday totals is to give online at givingtuesday.mit.edu or 617-253-8270.

Also, if you choose to give through a donor-advised fund to be counted toward GivingTuesday, please send an email to MIT’s Office of the Recording Secretary at recsec@mit.edu to alert them to the incoming gift. Please indicate the gift amount, the designation you are giving to, and that you wish to have it count toward the GivingTuesday totals.

I made a gift of $100 (or more). When will I receive my smoot tape measure?
Tape measures will ship in 4–6 weeks. One tape measure per donor with gifts of $100 or more.

If I make my gift on November 28 through giving.mit.edu or over the phone, will my gift still count in the GivingTuesday totals?
Yes! But please note that since the gift was not made automatically online on givingtuesday.mit.edu, there may be a delay in your gift being reflected in the overall GivingTuesday totals.

I would like to give through a DAF or securities; what do I do?
If you would like to give through a donor-advised fund, please contact the institution where your DAF is managed to set up your gift. For your DAF gift to be counted toward GivingTuesday, please send an email to MIT’s Office of the Recording Secretary at recsec@mit.edu to alert them to the incoming gift. Please indicate the gift amount, the designation you are giving to, and that you wish to have it count toward GivingTuesday.

If you would like to make a securities gift, please visit giving.mit.edu/stock for instructions and send an email to MIT’s Office of the Recording Secretary at recsec@mit.edu to alert them to the incoming gift. Please indicate the gift amount, the designation you are giving to, and that you wish to have it count toward GivingTuesday.

I do not live within the Eastern Time Zone. Will my gift count toward the GivingTuesday totals if I give on November 28 in my time zone?
Your gift will count if you give on Nov. 28 between midnight and 11:59 p.m. ET.

I want to give to a certain fund that I do not see listed on the GivingTuesday website. Can I still give to this fund and have it count in the GivingTuesday totals?
Yes. Please visit MIT’s giving site, , search for your desired fund, and make a gift through that page. Your gift will still be counted in the GivingTuesday totals as long as it is given between midnight and 11:59 p.m. ET on Nov. 28. But please note that since the gift was not made automatically online on givingtuesday.mit.edu, there may be a delay in your gift being reflected in the overall GivingTuesday totals.

I would like to make a pledge on November 28. Will that count toward the GivingTuesday totals?
Unfortunately, pledges will not count toward the GivingTuesday totals. While we are greatly appreciative of those who wish to make a pledge, only gift transactions between midnight and 11:59 p.m. ET on Nov. 28 will count.

I’m celebrating a reunion year, but if I give to a designation other than my class gift, will my gift still count toward my Reunion Class Gift?
Congratulations on your reunion milestone—and yes, your gift during GivingTuesday will count.

Does my name have to appear on the GivingTuesday Donor Wall?
No. You may opt out by choosing to make your gift anonymously so that your name will not appear. Alternatively, there is an option for you to choose to keep your gift amount anonymous but still display your name. Please note, though, that the default is to list both your name and gift amount.

My GivingTuesday gift will be arriving in the form of stock or mutual fund. It may arrive a few days before or after November 28, 2023. What do I need to do to make sure it gets counted for GivingTuesday?
Please send an email to MIT’s Office of the Recording Secretary at recsec@mit.edu to alert them of the incoming gift of stock or mutual fund. Please indicate the number and type of shares being gifted along with the designation(s) you wish to support, and that you would like it to count toward GivingTuesday.

My GivingTuesday gift will be made via wire transfer or through a donor-advised fund. It may arrive a few days before or after November 28, 2023. What do I need to do to make sure it gets counted for GivingTuesday?
Please send an email to MIT’s Office of the Recording Secretary at recsec@mit.edu to alert them to the incoming gift. Please indicate the gift amount, the designation you are giving to, and that you wish to have it count toward the GivingTuesday totals.

I will make my GivingTuesday gift via my IRA. It may arrive a few days before or after November 28, 2023. What do I need to do to make sure it gets counted for GivingTuesday?
Please send an email to MIT’s Office of the Recording Secretary at recsec@mit.edu to alert them to the incoming gift. Please indicate the financial holder of your IRA, the gift amount, the designation(s) you are giving to, and that you wish to have it count for GivingTuesday.

I make my gift through my employer’s portal to have my gift matched (e.g., Dell, Apple, JustGive, YourCause, Benevity, etc.). How can I ensure that my gift will be counted in MIT’s #GivingTuesday totals?
Unfortunately, as we cannot guarantee that we will receive your gift through those channels between midnight and 11:59 p.m. ET on Nov. 28, we cannot be sure that your gift will count toward #GivingTuesday totals. Gifts made through employer portals or other third-party platforms may take as long as three (3) months before arriving at MIT, depending on their disbursement practices.

However, we thank you for your generous support of MIT year-round. If you would like to be counted during GivingTuesday, you may wish to make a participation-level gift of any size on Nov. 28 at givingtuesday.mit.edu in order to have your participation counted.

I will be out of country with no access to the internet on GivingTuesday, Nov. 28, 2023. Can I make a gift now and have it be counted on GivingTuesday?
Yes! We encourage you to call the MIT Alumni Association’s Office of Records at 617-253-8270 to make your gift via credit card over the telephone and ask that it be processed between midnight and 11:59 p.m. ET on Nov. 28 to count toward GivingTuesday. You may also send a check now to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, P. O. Box 412926, Boston, MA 02241-2926. Please be sure to make your check out to MIT and add a note to the memo section indicating that this is a GivingTuesday gift.

Still have questions?

Contact us at annual_giving@mit.edu