$1.4 million raised 3,905 Donors

Giving Opportunities

Where to Direct Your GivingTuesday Support for MIT
With your gift to MIT on GivingTuesday, you are affirming that when it comes to increasing access to education, advancing breakthrough research, and fostering creative innovation, MIT and its efforts to make a better world are worthy causes to support.

The following is a list of areas where you might choose to direct your gift to have a meaningful impact on the MIT community of students, faculty, and staff.

Unrestricted Giving
Unrestricted giving provides flexible resources that reach across the entire Institute. These resources are critical in providing scholarship aid for undergraduates, attracting and retaining the most talented graduate students and faculty, and aiding in the renewal and evolution of MIT’s physical infrastructure.

Undergraduate Scholarships
At MIT, undergraduate students discover a community filled with people like themselves—just as bright, a little bit quirky, and equally driven by the desire to discover, invent, and tinker. Because the best minds come from all kinds of backgrounds, many of our undergraduates have relied on scholarship support to open the door to their MIT education. These students do not want to choose between a school they can afford and the place they belong. Today, by investing in scholarships, we preserve a proud tradition of need-blind admissions, ensuring that the world’s most promising students can make MIT their home—and their springboard—regardless of their financial circumstances.

Graduate Fellowships
Fellowships give MIT the capacity to retain its competitive edge in attracting the most talented, inventive, and diverse graduate students from around the world. Such broader sources of assured funding also enable faculty to make room in their labs for students who are promising but yet unproven or who have potentially interdisciplinary interests, which results in a student body of extraordinary range and depth. And by lifting the burden of financial worries, fellowships empower graduate students to focus on their work—to explore new paths, pursue their passions, and make the most of their time at MIT.

Student Support and Wellbeing at MIT
When you’re a student on a tight budget, expenses can add up—in a recent survey, 40 percent of MIT students rated finances as a significant source of stress. Even with the generous financial support MIT provides, it can be a serious challenge to cover medical bills or travel home for a family emergency, or even cover essentials like food and winter clothing. This is where Student Support and Wellbeing, part of MIT’s Division of Student Life, steps in to help.

Your gift directly helps MIT students in need. Each dollar you give will go directly to an MIT student who is in crisis, hungry, or has other urgent needs.

Whether you support an area highlighted here or a cause that fuels your passion for the Institute, your support of MIT helps students, faculty, and research staff keep exploring to build a better world.


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Or you can contact us at annual_giving@mit.edu.