Aliza Akhtar
Aliza Akhtar ’22, held many dreams of making the world a better place. Our intention here is simple: to bring together the different communities Aliza was a part of to see that forward. The family and friends of Aliza Akthar invite you to contribute to an effort to establish an academic scholarship in her honor.
Aliza was majoring in Computer Science and she believed strongly in closing the gender gap in the Computer Science field. Those who knew Aliza knew her as a ray of sunshine who lit up every room she was in. Her kindness, her love, and her passion were apparent in every conversation you had with her. She was beautiful, strong, and genuinely a wonderful person. If anyone was going to change the world, it was her.

While Aliza’s loss is a painful one, we find ease in knowing that her dreams and hopes continue with all of us. Our aim is to raise
at least $100,000 to be able to create an endowed fund in Aliza’s name to support scholarships at MIT. Aliza was incredibly grateful
for the support she had received in attending MIT, and her family believes that Aliza would have wanted to provide the same for other students.
Until we reach the minimum for establishing a stand-alone scholarship fund in memory of Aliza, gifts in her memory should be designated for the Memorial Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship Fund.
For those who wish to make a gift by credit card, please use the following link (once you enter a dollar amount, the form will pre-populate to indicate that your gift is being made in memory of Aliza Akhtar):
Checks should be mailed to the following address:
MIT Office of Memorial Gifts
600 Memorial Drive, Room W98-500
Cambridge, MA 02139
All questions about making gifts to MIT in memory of Aliza Akhtar may be directed to Bonny Kellermann at 617-253-9722 or
Remembering Aliza:
The Tech - June 6, 2019
Let Me Tell You About Aliza - June 6, 2019