Gifts to endow a fund for the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program.

Gifts for an endowed fund to support UROP projects in the Department of the Humanities.

Supports undergraduate research opportunities in the department of Chemical Engineering.

Award recipient is for one woman student per semester or summer majoring in science or pursuing research that relates science and a major in another area. (UROP)

Gifts of alumni/ae and friends to support activities of one or more undergraduates pursuing research under the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program.

Gifts for an endowment to support UROP projects designed to improve the quality of life through their impact on people and/or the environment.

Gifts for an endowed Undergraduate Research Opportunities program.

Gifts of members of the Class of 1982 to establish an endowed fund to support undergraduate students who wish to pursue their own research ideas as an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) project.

Gifts for an endowed UROP fund.

Gifts of members of the Class of 1992 to establish an endowed fund to support the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program with a preference for students working in the area of K-12 education.

Gifts for an endowed UROP fund.

Gifts for an endowed UROP fund.

Provides support of the research programs at CSAIL, including lecture series, colloquium and talks, seeding of new projects, research assistantships, UROP support for MIT undergraduate students to
participate in cutting edge research projects specifically with CSAIL Principal Investigators and support for CSAIL research facilities and infrastructure.

Gifts to establish an endowed fund to provide, in consultation with Professor Slocum, for the construction and maintenance of a laboratory, including funding for UROP salaries and support for graduate students, with preference for the creation of a Precision Products Development Laboratory in Mechanical Engineering.

Gifts to support the study of metakaryotic stem cells discovered to drive the growth and development of both plants and animals. Gifts will be used to purchase equipment, materials and scientific services including publication costs. Gifts will not be used to support travel expenses or salary for researchers with the exception of UROP students.

Gift of Joseph Cherian to establish an endowed fund to support MIT undergraduate students in the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP), with a preference for support of students seeking to do quantitative research in the area of international finance.

Provides support for Nuclear Science and Engineering undergraduate activities, such as participation in the UROP program, travel to conferences, and publications costs in honor of Professor Irving Kaplan.

Preference is for female undergraduates majoring or conducting research in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (School of Science). (UROP)

Gifts of Jeremy Gerstle to establish an endowed UROP fund in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

Gifts of family and friends in memory of Margaret MacVicar to establish an endowed fund in support of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program.

Gift of friends and family in memory of Marianna Polonsky Slocum to support one or more undergraduate women pursuing Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) research in Mathematics or Physics. First preference is for a student-initiated project, second preference is for a student working with a woman faculty member, and third preference is for any woman student doing a UROP in math or physics.

Gifts from Matthew and Yildiz Ferri to support students participating in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP).

Expendable gifts to support UROP projects with a focus on energy-related research.

Gift of Monib Khademi to establish an endowed fund, with the income to support UROP students conducting research on innovative projects at the intersection of Science or Technology and the Humanities or Art or Social Sciences.

Gift of Harry Morris to establish an endowed fund to support students participating in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) with a preference for students working on projects in the Media Lab.

Gift of MMG Patricoff & Company, Inc, to establish an endowed fund in Robert A. Muh's (1959) honor for support of undergraduate student participation in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program and student projects in Political Science.

Appropriation of funds to establish an endowed Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program fund for undergraduate nuclear engineering students doing research in the power engineering disciplines.

Gifts to support the formation of collaborative research projects involving faculty and students from Palestinian universities and abroad.

Gifts in honor of Paul E. Gray to establish an endowed Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program fund.

Gifts from David E. Burmaster and others to establish an endowed Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Fund with preference to support research in the navigation of cyberspace.

Gift of Susan and Steven Lotwin to establish an endowed fund to support the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), with preference for projects on neurological diseases and disorders. UROP support shall initially be provided as academic year support, until such time as the Fund income can provide summer support or support for additional terms.

Gifts from alumni/ae and friends to provide general support to the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program.